Hello Mr. Joe Biden. I'm Shin Brary. An Iranian writer. You and I are both human. You have the means and my compatriots are in shortage of vaccines and they are dying. Please help us. I do not want anything for myself. I want a vaccine for my compatriots.
Hello Mrs. Angela Merkel. I'm Shin Brary. I am an Iranian writer. I can see the policies you have opened and you have proved that you are an honorable, humane and benevolent human being. Now I extend my hand of need to you. The only way to save my compatriots is to get corona vaccines from a third country. The officials of my country are incompetent and incompetent. Mrs. Merkel, it is possible that my compatriots are short of vaccines and are dying. Please help us. I do not want anything for myself. I want a vaccine for my compatriots.